How Comprehensive Dentistry in Shorewood Benefits You!

Save yourself pain and money with comprehensive dentistry in Shorewood. .

Has your approach to dentistry been to visit the dentist only when you have a dental issue demanding immediate attention? A toothache, broken tooth, or bleeding, swollen gums are certainly emergency situations and should have immediate attention. Single-tooth dentistry does solve the immediate problem for that one tooth. But, that kind of dental treatment doesn’t consider why the problem existed, or how it will impact the rest of your teeth.

Comprehensive dentistry for our Shorewood clients involves getting to the very root of dental problems and building from a good foundation up. It’s like remodeling a house. Would you call an architect or interior designer first? Obviously, you must get the basic foundation built first and then add the finishing touches.

comprehensive dentistry has two phases.

How Comprehensive Dentistry Saves You Money

Well, consider the difference in cost between a routine cleaning and fillings for cavity treatment. Comprehensive dentistry takes a preventative approach to dentistry that deals with minor dental issues before they become big, costly issues.

Think of caring for your teeth like caring for your car. Protecting your car now from engine wear and break down through regular maintenance saves you from having to pay a hefty bill at a mechanic later for extensive repairs.

Our FREE download outlines the 4 practical ways that comprehensive dentistry will benefit you. Download your copy today and save yourself both pain and money!

comprehensive dentistry infographic
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How Comprehensive Dentistry Helps Protect Your Health

One of the most compelling reasons for choosing comprehensive dentistry has to do with the connection between your oral health and your whole-body health.

Recent studies show that some very serious conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and more have been associated with dental disease. The bacteria that causes cavities and periodontal disease can enter damaged tissues and travel through your entire system. Single-tooth dentistry  does not deal with the damage being done to your oral health or your body by invading bacteria.

We encourage you to protect your oral health, it’s the gateway to your whole-body health. Call our Lakota office today at (815) 730-9600 or contact us online for an appointment.


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